Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Blog Social networking

Social networking has become a big part of society today. It is used for communication around the world or across the room, dating, job hunting, and many other things. On example how these technologies can be used is for job hunting, which has become a common way nowadays to find individuals who may fit the position an employer is looking for or, from another perspective, an individual looking for a job. In the article Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting, Maureen Crawford-Hentz, a recruiter for Osram Sylvania, says how easy and efficient it was to find a person who fit the requirements for the position she was looking to fill. "Typing keywords into a search engine, Crawford can scrape the entire network to dig out high-quality candidates that she can't find elsewhere." This is a great example of how social networking has made it easier to recruit because you can apply filters, for example, on a website used to look for future employees, to aid in the search for the right individual to join a company.Along with  the many ways social networking can be used, it is also beneficial to society. Social networking, one way, allows for easier and more worldwide networking. Not only can you meet people in your area but also people in other countries that you would have never imagined being able to communicate with. These connections make for great relationships that can benefit you in the future. Aside from the many benefits social networking brings to society, it also has negative affects. One example is a platform for scammers to commit more fraud and steal from people through the web. In NBC'S article on Multi-million dollar scam being used on Facebook, an example is given on how scammers try to lure facebook users on marketplace to buy a vehicle, in this example, by using a known website used to sell and buy such as e-bay. These scammers send fake invoices to the customer's emails and from there attempt to entice them to make online transactions to disguised accounts. These crooks try to convince costumer's that it is safe to make these purchases by disguising as popular websites and emails that will make the costumer believe it is actually the company they are buying from. In the future, the evolvement if social networking I believe will bring even more benefits but also have negative impacts on society. With many daily activities being transformed to the digital world such as the metro-card less subway is making daily living more efficient. On the negative perspective, social networking makes us more vulnerable to crime and less face-to-face interaction. 

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