Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are platforms that people use to talk about subjects. Although they provide similar uses, they are different in a few ways. Blogs are a place where people can speak on subjects they want to inform others about, issues they want to address or news that they think is useful as well as information that should be known. On the other hand, wikis are a platform where multiple people can collaborate on writing about a topic they want to discuss. Wikis allow discussions, opening up the floor to others and give them an opportunity to add their input. Not only can people add on to the discussion but they can also edit the wiki post, for example, to make it clearer to understand. A problem with wikis is that people are editing and adding false information or irrelevant information that does not pertain to the general topic. "..."flagged revisions' will require that an experienced volunteer editor for Wikipedia sign off on any change made by the public before it can go live.." says Naom Cohen in the Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People. This is a great solution to the problem with incorrect information being distributed to wiki users. Along with creating discussions and continuously adding information on a topic that is ongoing, wikis could be used to help people with problems. These problems can start from a simple math question to legal problems that professionals could collaborate on and answer questions that people have. Blogs do something similarly without allowing other people that may also be familiar with the topic or situation being talked about to include information as well. An example is a blog talked about in the article Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid. In this article, a blog that is based in Brooklyn speaks on the daily things that go in the neighborhood. One of them was the drug problem. After multiple people had expressed how they felt on this issue and explaining what exactly was occurring, cops became aware of the problem and invaded the drug house. This blog was a hero for the neighborhood and all those apart of it. The convergence of blogs and wikis is a big advancement for technology. With this convergence, more and more people are given a chance to express their feelings and discuss with others how to go about situations as well as get an insight on other perspectives. Overall, blogs and wikis, although distinct in a few ways, provide a meaningful opportunity for people worldwide to come together and talk about topics newspapers, for example to elaborate on.

1 comment:

  1. I was really confused about the convergence but after reading your post I actually understand what is really it belongs to. And I also can say after reading your post that convergence of Blogs and Wikis are really important.


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