Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Analysis of the facebook: society's evolvement in a positive and negative aspect

After being indecisive about what topic to research, facebook was definitely a top social media and technology company that has evolved in a way that has influenced society for better as well as for worse. Facebook, aside from all the other social media companies that exist, is one of the most progressive companies. For my research project, I would like to begin by touching upon how society and the world as a whole was before facebook existed. Starting off with this point will give readers a better understanding on how it has brought positive and negative effects to us humans. Once facebook was created, the world changed. Depending on how you perceive it, you may say it has made the world better or worse. I will discuss how it has not only helped society but also made the world a place people wish it hadn't become. To support these effects, I will provide examples and cases where real people have experienced these effects. Along with real life instances, I will include actual statistics that will show the effects of facebook in a mathematical way giving readers a different perspective on the evolvement of facebook in society. To conclude this research, I will discuss where facebook has brought the world to today and how it where it will lead us in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Valery,

    This is a very interesting topic that you decided to cover. I have my own opinions about Facebook, and well, tech companies as a whole. They have indeed transformed our society in many ways, moreso the way live and interact with our world. Personally, one of my concerns with these companies is their transparency, or lack thereof, and how they manage our information.


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